The Black Horse Troop March, John Philip Sousa
Ah, Sousa. You know his marches... One is Stars and Stripes Forever... All-District band is playing one of them: The Black Horse Troop March. *cough, cough* We'll just say that it made me dizzy to look at it. It's really not all that difficult, as I found out when I tried to play it, it just looks... scary and intimidating. But I have successfully mastered the first 7 1/2 lines of the music (of 9 total, but with lots of repeats), which makes me extremely happy and proud!! :DD
(Click on post title for quick link)
There's a link to a midi file... Maybe it'll give you a better idea of what I'm talking about. I can play all the way to where the clarinets go all super high... Then it's... "if-y" for me. I don't know. Maybe we'll cut it, but I really like the tune and song. Whatever happens, I want to be prepared.